Pemilihan Lokasi Pusat-Pusat Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Ciamis Pada Abad XVI -XIX

The Selection of The Location of Government Centers In The Districy of Ciamis In The XVI-XIX Centuries


  • Oerip Bramantyo Boedi West Java Archaeological Research Office



Warugan Lemah, government, Ciamis


Sundanese people have knowledge about settlement patterns called Warugan Lemah (WL). The WL describes the pattern of land and settlements and their good and bad effects. This study aims to discuss the implementation of WL in four government centers in the past in the Ciamis Regency area. The four government centers are Kawasen, Imbangara, Utama, and Bojonglopang. This study is descriptive in nature which begins with data collection through library research, field observations, and interviews. The next is data analysis and interpretation to produce conclusions. Based on the study, it was obtained an overview of the implementation of WL in the four government centers in the past in Ciamis Regency.


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How to Cite

Boedi, O. B. (2021). Pemilihan Lokasi Pusat-Pusat Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Ciamis Pada Abad XVI -XIX: The Selection of The Location of Government Centers In The Districy of Ciamis In The XVI-XIX Centuries. JURNAL PANALUNGTIK, 4(2), 153-170.